Friday, May 16, 2008

Not Going There

I think every town has one: someone for whom complaining and making conflict is a way of life. Not quite a curmudgeon, but someone more toxic than that. Rarely are that person’s issues about that which they attack.

We have one, of course. Probably several really, but one in particular picks a “cause” or a focus and spends years and legal dollars (her own and the town’s) trying to go for the jugular. It’s like a train wreck in slow motion, but the wrecking never seems to stop.

Previously this woman was out to get the chief of police. While I wouldn’t say our chief is exactly a prize, I wouldn’t say he deserved the level of attack. But then she moved on.

Right now this woman’s target is the schools. Her initial target was a very specific issue, but she’s expanded her ire and accusations to claim a conspiracy by teachers, individual school administration, the district and even the school committee. She may have some valid points in there somewhere, but the level of her dialogue and demands has degenerated so much that it’s hard to want to cede even those points. Basically, if it doesn’t happen exactly the way she wants it to happen (and without the input of experts in the field), it’s a conspiracy worthy of legal tirades.

Several months ago, the town newspaper launched a new Web site. The new site included user forums. The person jumped on the opportunity to continue her tirades in real time.

The tone of these posts were nasty to say the least. Any one who didn’t agree with her was “obviously” in cahoots with the schools. She had a few supporters who helped her along in her attacks of any one who dared disagree. There was name calling and there were threats. The forum moderator let most of it happen, lest he be included in the name calling and threats. She also revealed enough information that one could do a Google search on certain terms and learn the complete story. (The schools, of course, have remained quiet on all the issues during all the attacks because they are bound by confidentiality laws.)

A bit over a month ago, a dissenter to her views noted that forum had been relatively quiet for a few days. This toxic person responded (within minutes – she must have a crackberry so she can launch her tirades anytime, anywhere) with an ominous, “Just you wait till you see what I have coming next; it’s the calm before the storm.” The next day she posted a tirade with some legal information, details of how much the schools have been force to spend in legal fees to deal with her (a very large number - six figures - she appears to be proud of, while there are cutbacks in services for the kids to cover these fees), and nasty comments about the school committee.

Then a beautiful thing happened: nobody responded. Not one.

A week later she tried again with another tirade. Once again, no one has responded.

In fact, the particular forum has been silent. It may be some kind of stand-off, but I prefer to think of it as the rational majority in town taking the high road and not stooping to her level. I can envision her stewing.

This person’s son has just a year left in the schools. Perhaps then she’ll lay off her destructive attacks and move on to something else. But then again, we must be careful what we wish for – you never know what or who that something else might be.


In other news, the neighbors have shown once again that they have no idea how to live in a neighborhood. The husband has decided unilaterally to replace our decorative road sign. Not a word to the other neighbors. It’s not on his property. Killing a lovely clematis vine along the way. Sure the sign will look nice (though I lament the loss of the clematis), but just checking in with the neighbors would have been appropriate. It think the word is courtesy. Perhaps that page is missing in their dictionary. Ugh.


Lynne Thompson said...

I'm so sorry, I feel your pain! We had someone like that take our town hostage (she is even nuttier than yours) and hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees later, and scary scary happenings--we are rid of her (sort of, she can't sell her house so she's not gone). I hope yours isn't as crazy as ours is. It is very painful to have someone like that around! LT

Kanga Jen said...

Holy moly. Do I need to ask how much time she spends at the school volunteering or helping out in positive ways? Who ARE these people? Are they really that desperately in need of attention? I cannot express the gratitude I have for those who make a career of working in public schools, who have to deal with people like this in an adult way.