Monday, May 11, 2009

No More Flip-flops in the Garden

Mother's Day was a fairly uneventful day. My teenager was in classic teenage form - grumpy from the get-go. M still very swollen from his surgery and slightly subdued, wanted to be close to me most of the day and tried his best to make my day nice. S was alternately lovey and crabby. Who knows why. Hubby was working.

I didn't expect much from the day, really. It was beautiful outside and I thought of maybe going to pick out some flowers at the garden center and planting them with the kids. M and I went outside and brainstormed what we might put where.

On my way back into the house, I saw it. Slithering along the foundation at the front of the house and right into the gap under the steps to the front door. Slate gray. About 18 inches long.

I know there are snakes in the area. There are plenty of woods around us. I understand the roles that garter snakes play in the garden and yard. But I don't like them. Not one little bit. Still I thought I could deal with them. Nuh-uh.

I screamed.

Then I backed away quickly from the house and went around and into the house from the back door. I was a little rattled. No, a lot rattled. I do not like slithery things like that. Period. It's one of the reasons Ireland and New Zealand are so attractive to me - no native snakes!

My first thought was that we need to step up our chipmunk reduction efforts (fewer rodents for food = fewer snakes). I put out some butter to soften for that (as previous experiments have shown us that homemade chocolate chip cookies are the best way to lure chipmunks into Havahart traps - more than a dozen over the last few years). Then, shaking a little, I went to the internet to try to figure out exactly what kind of snake it was. To make sure it wasn't poisonous. And for ideas on how to get rid of it.

I think it was a ringneck snake, though I didn't see the yellow ring on the head. I was NOT pleased to see that this type of snake is sometimes found in basements. And that it's food is salamanders. I don't know where it would find a salamander here because we made an effort to get rid of all the salamander habitat (rotting landscaping timbers) a few years ago. Guess the trapping and removal of chipmunks won't help this situation - but I think I'll do it anyway as I don't want any other kind of snake showing up.

At any rate, I am totally spooked about walking out the front door. I recognize that this is ridiculous. I do. I'm going to have to get over it somehow. But until then, I will not be walking around the front yard in flip-flops. I am going to get myself a very nice pair of gardening boots and wear those when I am in the yard. Shorts, tshirt, hat, sunscreen, and tall rubber gardening boots.


Kanga Jen said...

You *KNOW* that I do not think your reaction is ridiculous and I'm getting squeamish just reading your post. I too understand all the benefits of snakes and it doesn't matter a single bit. They are evil nasty creatures and do not belong within miles of humans (or at least certain humans).

*SO* sorry. I know we have snakes all over since I live in the woods but as long as they stay in the woods, I'm OK. Under the front steps is *NOT* ok. You should consider a grenade.

J said...

PM - Thank you for the validation. I needed that.

Anonymous said...

Ugh Ugh Ugh. The other day we had a fox slink up our front steps and walk around that whole area a bit as I watched, horrified, out our glass panel. I had to wonder if he was sick since he was so close to the house at daylight (twilight actually). When I realized I'd left the garage door open, and needed to get out to the car and go somewhere, I was totally paralyzed. SA did not understand and was totally impatiant with me, but I can relate to the irrational freaked out feeling. My mind knew that the fox wouldn't be in there, just as you knew the snake was probably harmless, but my reaction was gut and I could not get past it!