Monday, October 26, 2009

High School, Again

Damn, I feel so stupid.

I put my name in to be the representative for M's school to the district health advisory board. It's a three year appointment.

Usually, these things get only one person interested, if that. I wrote my 150 word description of myself and why I thought I'd be good for the role. I'm good at analyzing data and have my fair share of medical knowledge. With kids both before and after this age group, I have perspective, too. I know the principal of the school well, and the head of the school council. They were thrilled I was putting my name in.

Just got word that I am NOT going to be the representative. Apparently there were two of us, and it went down to a secret ballot at the school council meeting. Then - and I should have done this before - I looked at the list of who is on the school council.

Yes, I lost this position in a mother fucking popularity contest.

I never won those when I was in high school - no chance in hell I'd win one now, especially with the school start time work I've been doing (M's school is the one that went earlier - and they are all FINE! They LIKE it! They are up earlier in the morning anyway, and love having more time to play in the afternoon!). Silly me thinking that if there were more than one candidate, they'd have open discussion and a vote. None of this secret ballot bullshit.

And yes, the person who got it is opposed to the start-time change. She was described as someone who has been mostly quiet in the past but "hit the roof" when the time change came about. She has only younger kids. I will not be at all surprised if this woman has an agenda.

What is also making me mad is how it made me feel. Damn, I thought I was getting over those stupid adolescent feelings. I lost a popularity contest - though, honestly, I haven't been seeking popularity in recent months - and it makes me feel somehow....less. I keep thinking people in general will see through the bullshit around them. Apparently not.

Damn. Damn. Damn.


Lynne Thompson said...

I am furious for you, mostly because they would have been lucky to have you, but ALSO, why was a secret ballot allowed? That is ridiculous. :-( You know they are just poopyheads, don't you? L

Kanga Jen said...

Jen, I would feel the exact same way. I don't WANT to have the need for people to like me, but dammit I do. And yes, something like this would dredge up all those unpopular feelings from high school and I was H.A.T.E. it.

Whether this was a popularity contest or not, you do know that it says nothing about you, right? It says plenty about the folks on the school council is all. You would be so very good in a position like this.

I'd vote for you. I'd tell all my friends to vote for you.

Please don't feel stupid. Feel irritated at the small minded people on the council (sigh - like you need ammo for that).