Tuesday, July 10, 2007


My asthma has been pretty bad lately and I’m struggling a little to keep on top of it - but the inhaler hasn’t been helping as much as it usually does. Sunday night, I woke up a couple of times overnight needing the inhaler. I gasped through exercise yesterday.

I’ve been on some allergy medicine, too, to try to address the triggers, but it seems to be helping very little. I’m still congested and sniffly. I feel just tired and a little fuzzy.

Then it occurred to me on my drive in to the office this morning: it’s not simply allergies or asthma. I’m sick.


I have no time for being sick. I have work to do and a house and family to take care of. Kids to feed and shuttle. Deadlines. Projects. Laundry.

That line from Finding Nemo comes to mind, “Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. What do we do? We swim, swim.”

Time for some Tylenol Cold and Starbucks.


Ruthie said...

Know what you should do? Make some Jell-O and eat (drink?) it while it's still hot. This might sound gross, but it makes my throat feel better when I'm sick.

Or maybe I tell myself that because it's an excuse to eat liquid strawberry Jell-O.

Hope you feel better soon. Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

I feel you on the asthma thing. Do you take anything beside an albuterol inhaler? I started taking flovent and it helps SO much.

I hope you feel better soon!!

J said...

Thanks for the suggestions and good wishes. I'm a little more in my own head today.

Ruthie - The warm Jell-o sounds kinda good actually.

Not So Little Sister - thanks for the Flovent recommendation. My husband has been bugging me to get a true checkup - I think he's right that it's time.