Monday, July 02, 2007


Wakeupandsmellthecoffee has tagged me to share seven fascinating tidbits about myself. Whether this information is really fascinating is subjective, I think, but in the spirit of the game, here are seven bits:

1. (taking one directly from wakeupandsmellthecoffee) Favorite Celebrity Sighting: Carly Simon and Sally Taylor. It was ’77 or ’78 and my family was visiting relatives in LA. My sister and I were in a grocery store, and there was Carly Simon kneeling down and cleaning up the face of her young daughter.

When I was 10 years old, I was a ball girl for a professional tennis team. Even though I don’t play tennis.

3. I am good at trivia games. Which ties into the next item....

4. Favorite Time I Outsmarted a Teacher: In 9th grade, our Algebra teacher used to play trivia games with us on short days. During one such trivia game, the scores were close, and the teacher asked one last question, adding (because he was sure no one would get it ) that the members of the team that answered the question correctly would receive an automatic A on the next exam. The question was, "What was the name of the band Linda Ronstadt was in before she went solo?" I raised my hand, he called on me, I answered correctly, his jaw dropped, and my team mates were mighty appreciative. The answer, by the way, is the Stone Poneys. (I also answered "Warren Zevon" to a question in a trivia game in 8th grade, and all my classmates thought I made up the name. Losers.)

5. I went to grade school, high school and the same church as Lynda Carter's (Wonder Woman) niece. They looked eerily alike but for height and hair color. Seriously, there was no hiding that they were related.

6. I have a thing for china and crystal and flatware. Totally frivolous. I have five sets of china (two everyday, one medium fancy, one very fancy, one Christmas), three and a half sets of flatware (two everyday, one and a half fancy), two sets of crystal (currently slowly acquiring this pattern from overseas as it's not sold here), four tea sets, and lots of fun bits and pieces. Pizza and cheap chianti taste better on the good stuff, by the way. Which is to say, I do use it, and not always in expected ways.

7. I hate anything pickled. This made for an amusing Thanksgiving a couple of years ago. We invited a young couple that my husband knew from work, knowing they had no where else to go. Both are Russian and are in the process of immigration. They asked what they could bring and we said something that you would bring to a family dinner at home. They brought a dish that included several pickled elements. And I took a normal serving and ate it (to be a good hostess and set an example for the kids) and felt like I wanted to throw up for 20 minutes.

So that's my seven things. I'm still considering my tag-ees..


eba said...

Those were fun. My ex-husband grew up in a house with nine -- NINE -- sets of dishes. His parents kept kosher (but only until all their parents died and then they immediately unkoshered their household).

They had meat and milk for everyday and meat and milk for company. (That's four).

Then, once a year, my ex had to help box up all four sets of plates (and presumably all the flatware and glasses too) and exchange them for one week for:

Meat and milk for everyday for Passover AND meat and milk for company for Passover. (That's eight).

Then he had to take all the Passover dishes back up to the attic and bring back the rest-of-the-year dishes.

Oh, and the ninth set? That was for treif so that when they had leftover Chinese food, they'd have something to eat it on.

Kanga Jen said...

You are SUCH a sweet hostess! I can't believe you ate a whole serving. I hope you treated yourself to a double helping of something delicious afterwards.

wakeupandsmellthecoffee said...

Those were great, J. Now how do you know about Linda Ronstadt and the Stone Poneys and Warren Zevon (a legend in his own time and much missed)? You're too young.

Kelly Innes said...

These are great facts...much better than mine, but I'll live, Not sure I'll get over my flatware envy though....

J said...

eba - 9 sets! Wow!

I was thinking that I should clarify that there is one set I don't use - the really fancy stuff. It was my mother's wedding china from a marriage that didn't last. That she gave it to me on my marriage - I just don't know what that says. I am patiently waiting for certain events so I can sell it or something.

My mother gave sets to my brother and sister, too. They received, by far, the preferable sets. And my brother's wife does not appreciate what she has.

PM - I had double servings of my favorite holiday time pie - pear pie with golden raisins and ginger. (I like pie in general - can you tell?)

wakeupandsmellthecoffee - I have siblings who are 9 and 13 years older than me. Their influence led to a mercifully short teenybopper phase, among other things.

kelly - not better, just different. but that's what makes it fun, right?

Ruthie said...

Oooo... I like the swirly-patterned glassware.