It’s the Little Things
Good: Finished Harry Potter 7 this evening.
Better: Was carded when I picked up wine for dinner.
Best: By a woman who probably was younger than me.
Leap, and the net will appear. -Zen saying
Good: Finished Harry Potter 7 this evening.
Better: Was carded when I picked up wine for dinner.
Best: By a woman who probably was younger than me.
10:42 PM
What did you think? What did you think?
I liked it. I thought it wrapped up nicely. I was both happy and sad at the end. I keep thinking about it.
I'm thinking of rereading six then reading seven again to make sure I have everything straight.
There were some editing errors in the book that annoyed me. Small things, but they were about the process of creating the book not the story itself.
I am soooo jealous. I never got carded even when I was underage. And I have to wait to read HP till the kids finish it.
Don't read this if you haven't read the book!
I'll leave lots of room so people can go away if they like.
I wish he would have gotten to have more of a conversation with his parents. That made me sad. I mean, if he could talk to Dumbledore, surely he could have spent a minute or two with them....
The bit about Snape was heartbreaking.
So was the bit about Dobby. Poor Dobby.
I don't know what I wanted out of the ending, but I sometimes resent the natural inclination of authors/filmmakers to simply pair off the main characters-- as if it guaranteed a happy ending.
It's sort of like, "Well, they're together now. Rode off into the sunset. The end."
Kind of disappointing.
The series was so big at the end that there was no way to get to everything, I think. And JK Rowling was really clear that this is *it* for this story. What expectation she was writing under!!
As much as I enjoyed the series, I sometimes had to remind myself that this is young adult fiction (and adjust some expectations accordingly).
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