Sunday, August 31, 2008

Apparently I'm Presidential Material

I'm sitting on the deck of an inn and cafe on a lovely Wednesday afternoon, eating lunch with my family. We're taking a break from visiting a great museum. As the kids chatter, I hear snippets of an interesting conversation behind me on the deck between three people. Were eavesdropping not so astoundingly impolite and uncouth, I would have listened harder. As I said, the snippets that did waft over were interesting, and I figured out quickly that two of the three were higher-ups in the local public radio station.

Almost through our lunch, I hear one of the women remark, "I'd sooner vote for that woman in the pink shirt over any of the mainstream candidates." The second woman catches my attention and says, "She's talking about you, you know."

And a fairly hilarious (to adults, not so much to kids) ten minutes ensued of friendly verbal volleys. Jokes were made about not having inhaled anything but salad, pretend coughs of shock, snarky comments about a certain candidate's wife (see here), observations about wanting power, and so on, with smatterings of truths about or political system tossed in for good measure.

Walking off the deck and back to the museum, two of the three were on their way, but the third, a friendly older gentleman, got to talking with us. He told us the names of one of the women, who happened to be the station manager for the radio station and had led the station from backwoods ho-hum to national award-winning excitement. He obviously had high respect for her.

Finally, we were all on our way, grins all around. Okay, maybe not on the kids.

When we arrived home this week, I looked up the radio station and made a small contribution to it. I also included a shout out to the two women in the comments section of the donation page that included the joke, "Counting on your support in 2012!"

Yesterday I received emails back from both women. One, the station manager, has promised to be my campaign manager. :-D

I'll let you all know when I file exploratory committee papers. (Snort!)


Kanga Jen said...

That is hilarious!

For the record, I would vote for you. ;-)

Lynne Thompson said...

I love the serendipity of it! And I would definitely vote for you too!~LT