Sunday, August 10, 2008

Did Someone Say Darwin?

We're a little frantic trying to pull ourselves together for vacation. This means my husband and I are running at a serious pace while trying to keep the kids in order. Not succeeding, it appears.

Three incredibly intelligent things my children (namely my boys) have done in the last 48 hours:

  • Leaning far out a window on the second floor of our house, over the driveway (which, given the garage is under the house means they were three levels up), trying to play catch with a friend in the driveway with a baseball.
  • C trying M's hands behind his back with rope on the beach, and pushing him face down into the sand. ("But he told me to!")
  • C and M playing "frisbee" with a plastic dinner plate, thus resulting in a plate to M's face - and a cut straight across the bridge of his nose.

Pass the wine, please.

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