Sunday, April 29, 2007

Chipmunk Redux

Six months ago, I wrote about the chipmunks that live in our rock walls. Adorable critters from a distance, but destructive little buggers as well.

After a quiet fall and winter after displacing five, they are back, and they have put new holes in our yard, are causing some problems with the stability of the rock walls, and just being a nuisance. As I said, adorable from a distance.

A couple of weeks ago, we put out the Havahart traps. Because of last fall's success with chocolate chip cookies, and because we haven't had many treats in the house because I am on a healthier eating kick, we put in a bit of one of the kids' school snacks - chocolate chip granola bars.


Yesterday I finally made some chocolate chip cookies. We put a piece in the traps at 8:00 last night and this morning we have our first chipmunk. We'll drop it off at a local conservation area (4+ miles away) on our way to church this morning.

I have no delusions that I'll get rid of all the chipmunks, but hopefully we'll be able to stem some of the damage they do.


Ruthie said...

Those must be really good cookies.

J said...

It's just the standard "Joy of Cooking" recipe. I do use the dark chocolate chips instead of milk chocolate chips.

When we went out to put the chipmunk in the car, C accidentally released it back into our yard. Oh well.