Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Visiting Day

Today was M’s visiting day at school. This means he went to his classroom for 15 minutes to meet his teacher and perform several get acquainted tasks. And yes, this counts toward the 180 school days required by law.

I have been nervous for this school year because last year wasn’t so hot. He did fine last year, of course, but that was more because of the work I did to keep him on track than the skills of his teacher.

Since M already is reading long chapter books and completing math workbooks well above his grade level, I worry he won’t feel challenged in school. As such, I both cringed and chuckled at the final question on the “Tell Me About Yourself” questionnaire in the class this morning. M did, too.

We whispered about it for a few minutes, trying to come up with something age-appropriate. But then we started feeling a little silly. In the end, M wrote these three things (in very neat writing, I might add) on the questionnaire in response to the “What are three things you want to learn in second grade?” question:

  • Differential calculus
  • Particle physics
  • Economics

I sure hope the teacher has a sense of humor.

M accompanied me to my office for the rest of the day, so it’s a visiting day in another sense, too. He’s sitting quietly at a coworker’s desk, reading and doing some drawing, and (I think) relishing this time with me. We walked along the river to go pick up some lunch and he grinned the whole way.

1 comment:

Kanga Jen said...

This is so funny!!!

I am a bad mom. E had to do an "All about me" poster. I told her she could not put "Learn pre-algebra" on the "What I want to learn in 3rd grade" question. (Guess what brother Q will be taking this year?)

M's teacher will LOVE HIM. How could you not?