Monday, February 11, 2008

So Much For That

I had an interview this afternoon. It was scheduled for an hour and a half with two people. One was the director of the division and one was the person to whom I would be reporting.

The interview was going really well, I thought. Near the end of the first hour, with the director/hiring decision-maker, I brought up the part-time thing.

At which point the director/hiring decision-maker ended the interview and escorted me to the door.

Now, to be fair, I did not expect this interview to go anywhere. I had heard they weren't particularly open to part-time. But I did figure I'd give it a shot.

And I didn't expect it to end quite like that.


eba said...

oh ugh!! I'm so sorry. To be honest, it is nearly impossible to know how and when to bring up the part-time thing. But gee!! I hope the next few encounters go much better than this one did.

Kanga Jen said...

Well ppbbhhtt.

Ruthie said...



Lynne Thompson said...

That must have hurt. But now you know you would never want to work there, if they respond like that to an honest question. Sheesh! Good riddance, I say. Hang in there. You'll find it. LT