Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Our recently elected governor announced a few days ago that he will be curtailing his work schedule somewhat and delegating more tasks so that he can spend more time with his wife, who is suffering from exhaustion and depression.

He said that while he still has a job to do, his wife is the center of his world, and this flexible schedule would be in place “as long as it takes.”


I don’t envy the why of this in the least. But I am thrilled to have a chief executive of our state who really gets the whole family comes first thing.


Kanga Jen said...

What a tough job to have, to have to explain publically why you are curtailing your work hours. But of course when you work *for* the public you give up a huge chunck of privacy.

And yes, it is nice to know your political leaders are good people at heart. Our last governor, Mark Warner, was extremely popular, and did a good job as governor (as a Democrat in a Republican-leaning state). As a result, his name was high on the list of potential candidates for president in 2008. Early on, he came out and announced that the time wasn't right because he had too many family things he wanted to do while his kids were the ages they were. I thought that was excellent. I liked where he had his priorities.

Hey - I was updating the links on my blog. Do you want me to link to you? I hadn't because I wasn't sure if you wanted a potential extra channel to the outside world (not that the traffic is all that heavy at my blog anyway, lol....and it's mostly my family and March list moms)

Let me know...


J said...

I keep thinking about that line, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." Since his campaign was about hope, I think this action totally fits in. And now when some certain spouses I know of (not mine) say, "I can't, my job is too important," there's an example to point to.

Work/family balance needs to be a reality at all levels, not just a nice idea.

And link away - I'll do the same if it's okay.