Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sometimes You Have to Laugh

It's been at least a decade since my mother called me on my birthday. More like fifteen years. She sends cards, but that's it. If I dared miss calling her for her birthday, however...well, let's just say I don't risk that. Anymore.

So imagine my surprise this evening when my mother called to wish me a happy birthday. I was shocked, even, and not just because it's been so long since she's called for my birthday.

She also got the day wrong.


eba said...

oh my! my father once called me on my sister's birthday to wish me a happy birthday. it stings a little but it is fairly funny. then again, my father once forgot my name when he was trying to introduce me to a friend.

in any case, i hope you do have / are having a very nice birthday and that many people think of you, preferably on your schedule, but even on their own schedules -grin-.

J said...


I figure that she even attempted to wish me a happy birthday verbally is a big step - that she got the wrong day...well, she was close at least.

Anonymous said...

Hope that you had a great day :)