Sunday, April 13, 2008

Growing Up is Hard to Do

Yesterday afternoon was S's very first birthday party. She's been out of her mind with excitement for days.

Yesterday morning, however, S crawled up in my lap and said she didn't want a party, she didn't want to turn four. The excitement, it seems, was a little too much.

I held her for a few minutes then wondered if she thought "turning" four meant she was going to be turning into something different. I told her that four was just a number and she was still going to be my little girl, and she could still climb into my lap for snuggles. Not much would change.

She was much relieved to hear that, and a few minutes later, was ready for her party day again.

It was a busy and exciting and sugar-filled day - and she loved every minute of it.

There will be a little bit of a repeat today as today is her actual birthday, so the family cake and gifts come tonight (and she's going to another boy's birthday party this afternoon). The grin on her face is priceless.

Happy birthday, my sweet S. I love you.

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