Saturday, April 12, 2008


After C was sick five years ago, we worried about his immune system in general. At some point in the subsequent months, his pediatrician drew some blood to look at the level of specific antibodies in his system. The antibody levels were low, so Dr. H recommended he get a pneumococcal vaccine (PPS-23) to be sure he was fully covered. The assumption (hope) was that C would need this one to supplement and boost his immune system and he'd be fine and maintain his immunity as the effectiveness of the vaccine wore off over five years.

At C's annual physical last week, I talked with his doctor about checking to be sure the antibody levels were at an appropriate level. Dr. H said, "Presumable his spleen is working as it should and the titers are just a formality." He took some blood and we waited.

On Thursday we learned that he antibodies levels we were looking for were very low again and C needed another shot. After talking with C about it on Thursday night (at which point he claimed "fine, no problem"), I took him in yesterday.

As well as C does around issues relating to his illness, he still has issues. As soon as we pulled into the parking lot, his mood and his attitude changed for the worse. He was snapping at his siblings and generally really unpleasant.

I stopped him and said I understood why he was anxious, but snapping at his brother and sister was not okay. He mostly stopped. I reassured him that this was a necessary vaccine, it wasn't arbitrary and if he didn't really need it, we wouldn't be here.

In the exam room, as I talked with Dr. H about C's spleen (he swears it's something we shouldn't get too worked up about), C became a bit goofy.

When it came time for the actual shot, he tried to maintain that silly, somewhat tough, I can handle this demeanor but one little thing gave him away: he held my hand.

After it was all over and we were out of the offices, C was back to business as usual.

1 comment:

Kanga Jen said...

I'm admittedly overtired and overstressed, but this made me burst into tears.
What a sweet, brave boy and mommy both.