Monday, April 21, 2008

We're Getting the Band Back Together

S has been in the same center/preschool since she was five months old. To say that she has known some of the kids in her school her whole life isn't much of an exaggeration. Almost as long as she has been aware of the the world around her, she has also been aware of T and D and J and a few others. A few other kids have joined their little gaggle of giggling along the way. It's a functional and happy group.

Twice the directors of the center have split up this little peer group rather arbitrarily. It's been an annoyance to the kids, an annoyance to the parents, and an annoyance to the teachers. When split up, the kids continue to ask for each other. They gravitate toward each other in the halls and on the playground - just to be separated when going back to classrooms. In which they ask for one another. Repeat this every day of the school year.

For the last year (starting in the fall) in preschool, the directors have conceded to the kids and the teachers and the parents and put them all together again in one class. We are so, so excited.

For some weird reason, whenever I think about this, I want to remake this tshirt with all the kids faces (sunglasses, hats, the whole bit), with it captioned, "We're getting the band back together."

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