Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tagged Again

Ruthie has tagged me again.

The rules:

1) Link to the person who tagged you. (check)
2) Post the rules on the blog. (check)
3) Write six random things about yourself. (check)
4) Tag six people at the end of your post. (check)
5) Let each person know they have been tagged. (check)
6) Let the tagger know when your entry is up. (and check)

And the six random things are:

1) The young woman who played pudgy girl in "Square Pegs" in the early 80s (opposite Sarah Jessica Parker) was in my French class in college. She was a much better French student than I was.

2)I once saw John Travolta in the flesh. Pasty white and pudgy and not particularly attractive. Apparently he photographs really well.

3) When I was about 10, I decided I wanted to make chocolate mousse. I gathered all the ingredients and set to it. One ingredient was "1 cup coffee." So one cup of coffee grounds went into the mixture. Yup, you read that right. The chocolate mousse was crunchy and the whole family was up all night.

4) Growing up I was a really picky, boring eater. Really picky. I lived in a southwestern border state, yet would not eat Mexican food. I would not eat Chinese food. I wouldn't eat pasta with red sauce. Nothing. And even with my own history, I lament my children's picky eating. Go figure

5) I adore John Cusack.

6) When I'm sick, I get this really gross taste in my mouth that is not relieved by anything. Anything. It's really annoying and it's how I differentiate illness from allergies. Perhaps TMI, but I needed a number six.

Okay - so I don't have that many people to tag, but here goes: eba, Pantheist Mom, Softinthehead, Lynne, wakeupandsmellthecoffee, and beba. Forgive me.


eba said...

i'll try to think quickly and come up with something before vacation grin -- eba

wakeupandsmellthecoffee said...

I'll forgive you, but I have no idea what to say about myself. I'll have to think about this one. Thanks, though.

Lynne Thompson said...

grrr:-) Ok, I;ll try. LT

Lynne Thompson said...

OK, my randomness is up:-) LT

Kanga Jen said...

John Cusack. (sigh) I am SO with you.
High Infidelity. Whenever I think of John Cusack, I hear the Stevie Wonder song "I Believe." I KNEW we'd have been amazing neighbors. Hig hInfidelity, Elizabethtown, a bottle of wine, and we'd be good to go...

My random things are up. ;-)

J said...

Thank you, to everyone, for participating. I groan when I get tagged, too, but the resulting tidbits are kind of fun.

eba: I think we need to have a club meeting sometime.

PM: Have you seen Martian Child?