Thursday, October 30, 2008

Toxic People

I've known most of my adult life that my sister is a toxic person. Mostly I deal with it.

A few weeks ago, I asked what her youngest son wanted for his birthday. She said what he really wants is for my C to come out for a visit next summer.

That is SO not going to happen. Bottom line is that I do not trust my sister to take care of my son appropriately. Period. It's why, when C was sick, my brother was charged with the job to NOT let my sister get on a plane to come "help." (Later, after C came home, she stopped speaking to me for several weeks because I had not called her personally every single day to give her an update. Apparently I "didn't understand" how worried SHE was. I kid you not.)

Anyway, I came up with something of an excuse. Off school schedules and the kids' preferred summer activities probably would preclude such a visit.

I asked if there was anything else. She said she'd think of something.

On this nephew's birthday, I called during the day but he wasn't home yet. I wanted to call later in the day, but the day got away from me. Bad, I know. I was kicking myself. The next day, when my sister called me, I spoke with this nephew and asked what he wanted. Again, he said a visit by C.

I was not about to promise something I could not deliver. I danced around it best I could.

In the meantime, I got delayed sending a card or anything. I admit another bad on my part. Finally at the beginning of this week, I sent a card and a Borders gift card. Late, I know, but I did it. Remember this is the woman who asked me if I was sure my own son's birthday was on a different day - that is to say, she does not have a perfect track record in this department. I cannot count the number of times she's been late with gifts.

In today's mail, I opened a letter from her that was seething with nastiness about how awful it was of me not to give her son what he wants for his birthday, not to call him on his birthday, and not even send a card.

What. The. Fuck.

Of course, this explains why she hasn't returned my phone calls over the last week.

This woman is a piece of work.

At some point I should go into detail about her visit in July. It was...interesting.

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