Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The Time is Now

I voted early this morning. The polls were a hopping place for 6:15AM.

Last summer during the Fourth of July parade, our spot was across the street from a group of supporters for our state senator. They were an unsavory bunch - making borderline comments to any high school girl that might pass, and when the local environmental group went by shouted out, "Piping plovers taste like chicken!" Lovely. Anyway, the state senator was on the ballot running unopposed. I wrote in Mickey Mouse.

Our sign is still standing. I'll take it down late tonight. In spite of C being into it when we made it, he said yesterday that he was embarrassed by it. Apparently he was razzed when he got on the bus Monday morning. Oh dear.

I'm very nervous today. Feeling superstitious, too.

Since the schools are closed, M is with me at work today.

How is everyone else doing?


Kanga Jen said...

Poor C. :-(
Q told me that his middle school held an informal vote and it was something like McCain 349, Obama 342. He was absolutely ecstatic that Obama did that well. (He knows the environment in which he lives).

I am very very nervous. I want to go vote but I really want my kids to go with me and they're still sleeping. They're going to protest because it's raining. But I swear I think E is going to end up in politics and I want her to be able to say that she was there, you know?

Ready to hang out with you tonight...get that champaign ready JUST in case. Just in case.

(It's very hard to hold down such hope, isn't it?)

J said...

Oh - at C's school McCain did win the school election, but only by 50. So it was something like 400 to 350. For this town, that is an incredibly good showing for Obama.

And several weeks ago, I made an extra donation to Obama to get an Obama/Biden car magnet. It arrived....yesterday. :-D

J said...

P.S. I don't have any champagne on hand. I admit I am afraid to buy it today! But I have a good Zinfandel on hand...

softinthehead said...

Oh I can sense your tension - I am keeping my fingers crossed for you both - and the rest of us!! :) Good luck

eba said...

#156 to vote in my precinct at 7:50 am. The place was hopping -- no parking places when I went in and hordes of volunteers were helping the unititiated into their respective lines. Things moved fairly efficiently. And then by the time I left, the place was only half full and there were plenty of parking spaces. Oddly, there were no signs for the national races, just for the local ones and for one ballot item (saving greyhounds).

Then I went swimming in the next town over and there were long lines the whole time I was in the pool, though not as long as several years ago.

Voting felt *so* good this morning. I didn't even have to write in MM's name in annoyance. I felt good about all the votes I cast.

eba said...

Oh -- I left out one important detail in my previous comment -- the place where I swim also serves as a polling place (town pool, exercise center, senior center, and polling place in one building -- what can I say? It's a small town.)

Ruthie said...

Well, I live in an overwhelmingly liberal district in a liberal city (The ratio of Obama yard signs to McCain ones is easily 50:1), and today there have been people just milling around in the street and in pedestrian walkways over freeways and on top of campus buildings, full of restless energy and excitement, mostly with Obama signs/buttons/T-shirts.

If he loses, and this is not hyperbole, I'm bracing myself for a riot/mass demonstration of some sort.

Then I'll look at transferring to a Canadian university.

So doing well! How about you?

J said...

I have not been this hopeful about an election since 1992.

Keeping fingers crossed until I hear speeches, etc.

Lynne Thompson said...

Brendan's 4th grade voted for Obama by a hair...very good for my Republican county! Hopeful, fingers crossed, we need this!!! LT